Friday, March 5, 2010

David Gelertner on the Internet

David Gelertner is a Computer Science professor at Yale.

The Internet is no topic like cellphones or videogame platforms or
artificial intelligence; it's a topic like education. It's that big. Therefore beware: to become a teacher, master some topic you can teach . . . don't go to Education School and master nothing. To work on the Internet, master some part of the Internet: engineering, software, computer science, communication theory; economics or business; literature or design. Don't
go to Internet School and master nothing. There are brilliant, admirable people at Internet institutes. But if these institutes have the same effect on the Internet that education schools have had on education, they will be a disaster.

This suggests (to me at least) we should stick to writing about and publishing what we know, and to the extent we can generalize out from the specifics of our own experience, we may have the opportunity to touch on
something greater.

Additional writings by David Gelertner here:

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