Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Project Euler

Anyone who says that they're bored should go here and do problems until they're not bored anymore.


  1. 4/23/2010
    Finished the first Project Euler problem.

  2. 4/23/2010
    Finished the second Project Euler problem. However, they're getting much harder.

  3. 4/24/2010 Problem #3

    Ok, that one was hard: find the largest prime factor of a 12 digit number. Problems I ran into -- inefficient algorithms, and trouble entering in the number, since 12 digits is bigger than the largest int primitive in Java, and I needed to enter it as a long. However, I couldn't just enter it directly, because the Java compiler tried to read the number as an int, so I had to bring it in as a string, then use the Long.parseLong(string x) method in the Long class to get it into the variable before I could even get started on the algorithm.

    This is as much to get me refamiliarized with Java as it is solving the problems. Long way to go . . . .
