Friday, April 30, 2010

How to be a programmer

An article I will read again and again. The applications go beyond programming.


  1. Doug,

    I'm really enjoying reading the part of this article that I have had time to get through. I am a person who is learning to work with a post trauma communication disorder. The structure of the article is helping me understand so much about communication too.

    I am fortunate to have a sophomore student available to assist me. I am looking forward to sharing it with him.

    It is difficult for me to be an entry level I-Net Admin staff who works (essentially) alone.

    Finding the right balance of doing things that help enough, but not too much is hard since the individuals who want computers to work like magic sometimes overwhelm me and drowned out the needs of some responsible and productive individuals who are grateful for the chance to consider options.

    Computers are not magic. They do not work like the Holodeck on Star Trek: The Next Generation.

  2. I agree. Steven Covey talks about the difference between important and urgent. It is easy to spend time putting out fires and working with the people who can be more aggressive and convince you that their problem is urgent. That doesn't make it more important, and often the people who are getting much of the real work done are working rather than complaining, so it can be harder to hear their concerns. Kudos to you for being aware that the most important issues may not necessarily be the loudest, and good luck!
