Thursday, March 22, 2012

Letters of Note -- F. Scott Fitzgerald

F. Scott Fitzgerald's letter to his daughter at camp about "Things to Worry About" from the wonderful, wonderful website -- Letters of Note
Three things in this post are perfect: 1) his daughter's haircut, 2) his list of things to worry about, and 3) his list of things not to worry about.

Definitely go to their site to read the whole letter.  However, I had to copy out this part:

P.S. My come-back to your calling me Pappy is christening you by the word Egg, which implies that you belong to a very rudimentary state of life and that I could break you up and crack you open at my will and I think it would be a word that would hang on if I ever told it to your contemporaries. "Egg Fitzgerald." How would you like that to go through life with — "Eggie Fitzgerald" or "Bad Egg Fitzgerald" or any form that might occur to fertile minds? Try it once more and I swear to God I will hang it on you and it will be up to you to shake it off. Why borrow trouble?


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