"The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel it's warmth.” — African proverb.
— boqor riya. (@hausofriya) February 27, 2018
from Twitter https://twitter.com/hausofriya
February 27, 2018 at 03:15PM
It's hard to generalize.
"The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel it's warmth.” — African proverb.
— boqor riya. (@hausofriya) February 27, 2018
"The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel it's warmth.” — African proverb.
— boqor riya. (@hausofriya) February 27, 2018
My son is entering high school next year and the freshman comp-sci course teaches using Swift. /cc @clattner_llvm
— John Siracusa (@siracusa) February 28, 2018
Every headline on the internet pic.twitter.com/v3YqSSk08E
— Ernie Smith (@ShortFormErnie) February 26, 2018
The inside of a guitar looks like an apartment I can't afford pic.twitter.com/mCDtJXRKRq
— Vero (@rosesveronika) February 26, 2018
This restaurant concealing their B health rating as a “brunch” sign is just me as a person pic.twitter.com/W4NWpTP5qP
— Jordan Blok (@jordaanblok) February 25, 2018
Listen, if you're really concerned about drugs in school, we should give all the teachers drugs they can have in class in case they ever need to drug back at an active drugger.
— Merlin Mann (@hotdogsladies) February 26, 2018
I'm going to lose some followers for this.
— Kosoko Jackson add A PLACE FOR WOLVES on Goodreads (@KosokoJackson) February 25, 2018
But give this girl, and other black children fighting for their lives, the same attention you're giving the Parkland Students. https://t.co/rHWZtOSQQ5
Remembering Bud Luckey today. Animator, songwriter, performer, painter - the list goes on and on. Take some time to research his amazing career. From @sesamestreet to @DisneyPixar - he leaves behind so much joy! #BudLuckey #LadybugsPicnic (Image by @jmaruyama ) pic.twitter.com/FRVBaOE73I
— Squared Co (@SquaredCo) February 25, 2018
Yogi Ferrell kicking Isaiah Thomas’ Kobes inside STAPLES Center is some A1 disrespect damn pic.twitter.com/GvNUqervY5
— Rob Perez (@World_Wide_Wob) February 24, 2018
Remember when proponents said nothing would change with the end of net neutrality? It already did. https://t.co/kAbTN5z8nn
— Peter W. Singer (@peterwsinger) February 24, 2018
There is one hard problem in computer science, and it's time zones. pic.twitter.com/IKc0SKiMDu
— Fred Moyer (@phredmoyer) February 23, 2018
The best gift you can get anyone in their 30s is to cancel a meeting they’ve been asked to attend. You will never forget the look of joy in their eyes
— Casey Newton (@CaseyNewton) February 22, 2018
3 minutes to go time! Join us for the 58th HH Book Fair! 8-5pm in the PS Gym!! pic.twitter.com/NwJRamJcVy
— Holland Hall Alumni (@HHallAlumni) February 24, 2018
Unification https://t.co/0H5bfmib3Z https://t.co/a0Uu9uJBaU pic.twitter.com/NgExrUbTFT
— XKCD Comic (@xkcdComic) February 16, 2018
95 is the new 80.
— Chuck Yeager (@GenChuckYeager) February 22, 2018
Thread https://t.co/Xbc6FpeKSC
— Trace Urdan (@Trace_Urdan) February 22, 2018
Happy to announce that Amazon Studios is adapting Iain M. Banks’ amazing Culture series — a huge personal favorite — as a TV series. Can’t wait! https://t.co/wgEmv65Pm3 pic.twitter.com/NhCGUyRt2L
— Jeff Bezos (@JeffBezos) February 21, 2018
BTW, Budget car rental at SFO is disgusting. Alamo provides much better service.
— scripting.com (@davewiner) February 21, 2018
@marcoarment @gruber This is why this episode was the best ever:
— Wojtek Pietrusiewicz (@morid1n) February 20, 2018
- great topics
- ran all my errands, still didn’t finish listening
- invented errands just to finish it
- invented even more errands
- ran out of errand ideas
- will sit in car for the last 25 mins to complete
@marcoarment @gruber Things that are shorter than this weeks Talk Show:
— Yemoo T. Nitsuj (@justin2me) February 19, 2018
Game 7 of 2004 ALCS
Lawrence of Arabia
Lifespan of an adult mayfly
Length of last government shutdown (from funding lapse to Senate approval)
🖊@tomgauld pic.twitter.com/bgMbY4dzic
— New Scientist (@newscientist) February 19, 2018
“Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith, let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it.” -Abraham Lincoln #PresidentsDay2018
— Tim Cook (@tim_cook) February 19, 2018
Why is it called "Live with Kelly and Ryan" instead of "Seacrests and Lives"
— Daniel D'Addario (@DPD_) February 19, 2018
I fell asleep listening to @marcoarment on The Talk Show and woke up covered in cobwebs and a giant grey beard just in time to hear the third sponsor read.
— Guy English (@gte) February 19, 2018
“Education is not the means of showing people how to get what they want. Education is an exercise by means of which enough men, it is hoped, will learn to want what is worth having.” - Ronald Reagan #PresidentsDay2018 pic.twitter.com/17mE69wWTY
— US Dept of Education (@usedgov) February 19, 2018
No time is right for showing disrespect for Moloch. https://t.co/YJdriTTWc8
— Douglas Allen (@DouglasHAllen) February 15, 2018
We are grieving with Parkland. But we are not powerless. Caring for our kids is our first job. And until we can honestly say that we're doing enough to keep them safe from harm, including long overdue, common-sense gun safety laws that most Americans want, then we have to change.
— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) February 15, 2018
Great stats on NAIS schools' comparative advantage in college admissions and matriculation - Part 1. pic.twitter.com/GqAeNNdROp
— Patrick F. Bassett (@PatBassett) February 14, 2018
— Trace Urdan (@Trace_Urdan) February 14, 2018
Just started venturing into the world of podcasts with @atpfm and man oh man, I’m loving it. @marcoarment, @siracusa, and @caseyliss do a fantastic job of discussing current tech topics. Thank you, ATP, for being the podcast that got me started!
— Noah Sherry (@NoahSherry1217) February 13, 2018
It was a bug that many people thought was a feature. The problem was that it was uncontrollable and often went back too far.
— Marco Arment (@marcoarment) February 13, 2018
I expect to add it back as a feature, similar to what Instacast used to do but probably to a lesser degree, in the near future. https://t.co/l1khExTGSc
My daughter rolls her eyes whenever I show her how to do her homework in Excel.
— Merlin Mann (@hotdogsladies) February 13, 2018
I think it's because she admires me so much.
Registration is open now for Summer @ PT! An amazing summer experience at Park Tudor awaits, with camps for preschool, kindergarten, elementary school, middle school and high school! https://t.co/eyNw9ie8Pb#summercamps #summerschool #indy #indywithkids pic.twitter.com/TYAOaWDKmo
— Park Tudor (@parktudor) February 13, 2018
Written by a student of Baltimore City Public Schools 🙏🏾 🙏🏾 pic.twitter.com/zCxMmgnvZI
— Sydney Snow (@SydneySnowEsq) February 12, 2018
Upper stage restart nominal, apogee raised to 7000 km. Will spend 5 hours getting zapped in Van Allen belts & then attempt final burn for Mars.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) February 6, 2018
If children started school at six months old and their teachers gave them walking lessons, within a single generation people would come to believe that humans couldn't learn to walk without going to school.
— Geoff Graham (@geoffreydgraham) February 12, 2018
A girl with Down syndrome, got up during a regular papal service & went toward @Pontifex
— TradCatFem🌹🙏🌹 (@TradCatFem) February 11, 2018
Security men quickly moved in 2 take her back to her mom. The Pope stopped them & said to her "come sit next to me.” She then sat down near him and he continued his homily, holding her hands pic.twitter.com/2QziweDRPX
Like there’s anyone watching this who isn’t just focusing on the door pic.twitter.com/s0yUcz97WJ
— David Jones (@jonesthescribe) February 11, 2018
Luke Cage???
— Tha Kid kreezy🦅 (@iamSeanKross) February 10, 2018
as the winter Olympics begin....never forget about Surya Bonaly, a French figure skater who did a backflip and landed on one blade. she was so damn good at the trick, they made it illegal. she is the only Olympic figure skater in HISTORY to ever successfully complete the move. pic.twitter.com/r4HkwIkXrY
— 🧚🏾♀️ (@peachyblackgorl) February 9, 2018
2018 goal: Become the reason MoviePass's $10-a-month plan becomes unsupportable for the company.
— Daniel D'Addario (@DPD_) February 8, 2018
I legitimately would listen to/fall asleep to a podcast of unedited John mumbling to himself while using a computer.
— Matt Rigby (@rigbymatt) February 8, 2018
2018 goal: Become the reason MoviePass's $10-a-month plan becomes unsupportable for the company.
— Daniel D'Addario (@DPD_) February 8, 2018
1975, guys.
— Merlin Mann (@hotdogsladies) February 9, 2018
i got multiple far-more-interesting offers from off-handedly tweeting that earlier today, so it's all good lmao
— puppy (@duckinator) February 8, 2018
@franksting How many years of rubygems experience do you have?
— 🅱🅴🅽 🅷🅰🆈🅻🅾🅲🅺 (@zbendr) February 8, 2018
—All of them.
At the library:
— June Hur, Queen of the Heo Clan (@WriterJuneHur) February 6, 2018
A kid patron came up to me at the desk, asked me where she could find more mystery books. That she'd read her first mystery & had loved it so much.
So I led her over to the MG mystery series section.
She placed a hand over her heart & whispered, "Oh my gosh."
The way people treat service employees--as people, or as endlessly correctable vectors for delivering food--is generally very revealing of character.
— Daniel D'Addario (@DPD_) February 7, 2018
This +1000. https://t.co/qR01xzTT4C
— Peter Rojas (@peterrojas) February 7, 2018
me: ugh okay, let me e-mail this person
— Nilah Magruder @ ECCC P11 (@nilaffle) February 6, 2018
me: *e-mails* aw yes, the ball's in their court now
person: *responds*
me: oh no
Third burn successful. Exceeded Mars orbit and kept going to the Asteroid Belt. pic.twitter.com/bKhRN73WHF
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) February 7, 2018
Science-minded elites are not the principal initiators of new partisan policies . . . . . The dynamics of public opinion formation may still be top-down, but science-minded elites are not the top. https://t.co/eTHSnzVyZ9
— Douglas Allen (@DouglasHAllen) February 7, 2018
Just finished backtesting my new tactical algorithm:
— Downtown Josh Brown (@ReformedBroker) February 6, 2018
Basically you want to sell stocks anytime the Eagles win a Super Bowl. Success rate roughly 100%.
This is savage. pic.twitter.com/9n2xVZCHB4
— You Had One Job (@_youhadonejob1) February 5, 2018
"[I]f there is little news value in Dog Bites Man, there is none whatever in Dog Does Not Bite Man."https://t.co/MpGUESwZCQ
— Douglas Allen (@DouglasHAllen) February 6, 2018
I'd like a word. https://t.co/fse7sLE5bx
— Garry Kasparov (@Kasparov63) February 5, 2018
“You just thought you saw it. I was faking. Someone was playing offstage.” So he faked it for us, too.
— Rob Long (@rcbl) February 5, 2018
The first day of production for that episode, I showed him the piano on stage. (His character was supposed to play.) He looked confused. “I don’t play the piano,” he said. “But I saw you play,” I said, “onstage, in House of Blue Leaves.” He shook his head.
— Rob Long (@rcbl) February 5, 2018
John Mahoney. A very funny man. RIP https://t.co/02ck7Ie55I
— Rob Long (@rcbl) February 5, 2018
Sliders ✅bean dip ✅pigs in blanket✅ second half = wings and artichoke dip 😋
— Holly Betz (@mombetz) February 5, 2018
Millennials . . . . https://t.co/TIyJLMZJ9D
— Douglas Allen (@DouglasHAllen) February 5, 2018
Mueller just got priced into the Stock Market.
— J.R. McGrail 📎 (@JRMcGrail) February 5, 2018
Look at all these white people rioting … over a football game! Time to ask the hard questions: Where are their fathers? How many came from broken homes? You know, all the things we ask black people when they lash out about actually being KILLED! https://t.co/WWdRyx77tc
— Charles M. Blow (@CharlesMBlow) February 5, 2018
We are celebrating 1 year of The Daily in the Washington bureau @nytimes w/cake! Congrats & so many thanks to @MikaylaBouchard & so many others in D.C. who have helped made The Daily such a success! @mikiebarb @theobalcomb @lisannette @scootes @samdolnick https://t.co/7YtKIiPetE pic.twitter.com/hhFc0F2y49
— Arí Bevacqua (@Ari_NYT) February 2, 2018
Apple Watch is to “Wearables” as
— Joshua J. Arnold (@joshuajames) February 5, 2018
iPad is to “Tablets” as
iPod is to “MP3 Players”.
The question is not whether we can afford to invest in every child; it is whether we can afford not to. - Marian Wright Edelman #oklaed
— Rep. Nichols (@Monichols) February 4, 2018
That’s cool, @bad_robot and @netflix, but I need to give a shoutout to the ORIGINAL mystery box monster story. #TheGroverfieldParadox pic.twitter.com/ItmPEo4ddD
— Brian Linder (@brianonthescene) February 5, 2018
When libraries troll their patrons. pic.twitter.com/Hn8a96f8je
— Blue Reflective Surface (@Metafrantic) February 4, 2018
[Random Evocation of Components of Organic Solidarity] [Logo of Random Brand]
— Kieran Healy (@kjhealy) February 5, 2018
OMG someone overlayed that ridiculous Dodge/MLK ad with what King actually said about capitalism and car commercials pic.twitter.com/9IB528mCyt
— Astead (@AsteadWesley) February 5, 2018
— David Griffith (@griffithd50) February 5, 2018
Philly, Philly
the memo is out! pic.twitter.com/DhITMFzbAU
— Daniel D'Addario (@DPD_) February 2, 2018
ME: *makes typo while entering a number*
— furious purpose (@Phylan) February 1, 2018
ME: no I meant t-
ME: it doesn't even make sen-
Alice Frye, on '#LadyBird', the movie: "I can’t be the only faculty member to notice that sweet, lovable Christine is an unrepentant academic cheater." https://t.co/x63rkwppey #admissions #Cheating pic.twitter.com/1TkSHVFUzg
— ChronicleVitae (@chroniclevitae) February 2, 2018
"You can't dismiss this popup alert until you click through and view what is essentially an ad for an Apple product" is NOT what I expect from Apple software. This is just embarrassingly bad form.
— Andy Ihnatko (@Ihnatko) February 1, 2018
— Nancy Pearl (@Nancy_Pearl) February 1, 2018
How to spot a Dragon using an illusion spell. #dnd #rpg #tabletop pic.twitter.com/cw33WhcAKq
— Grand DM (@Grand_DM) January 31, 2018
You’re fired.
— John Gruber (@gruber) February 2, 2018
Nightmare For Patriots Fans: Tom Brady Messed Up His TB12 Diet By Eating A Carrot On Radish Day And Ballooned To 500 Pounds https://t.co/703FpsrBWT pic.twitter.com/9Z6zN721Kp
— ClickHole (@ClickHole) February 1, 2018
If you were to put Penn station and Grand Central into a spreadsheet, they would seem very similar.
— Tom Goodwin (@tomfgoodwin) January 14, 2018
Yet one makes you want to die and the other fills your veins with joy.
I think about this a lot in a business climate that often just uses data to make decisions. pic.twitter.com/6UWt2kAwGu
Wait. Professional eyeroller? You get PAID for that? Dammit, man, I've been giving that $%#@! away free for YEARS!! https://t.co/YgBFKdpd2s
— Robert Pondiscio (@rpondiscio) February 2, 2018
Actually, I’d be wary of anyone who can’t take a joke https://t.co/S45OTL9RT8
— Nancy Pearl (@Nancy_Pearl) February 2, 2018
Tedsplaining: confidently lecturing someone about a complicated issue on the basis of having watched one Ted talk about it.
— Jamie Bartlett (@JamieJBartlett) January 31, 2018
Trebek the real MVP pic.twitter.com/5XkDRGrIb0
— CBS Sports (@CBSSports) February 2, 2018
Sometimes you just need a break. "Popcorn Dance" - Hot Butter https://t.co/Yx1i6OMRVd
— Douglas Allen (@DouglasHAllen) February 2, 2018
If RedEdit were still a thing in MacOS X, I'd have long ago added an "I'll see you in hell first" option to each of these annoying, persistent Apple update alerts. pic.twitter.com/Bmt2Qro7Jx
— Andy Ihnatko (@Ihnatko) February 1, 2018
Apparently the last thing I said to my sedation dentist before going under was “don’t touch my mouth.”
— Mike Ginn (@shutupmikeginn) February 1, 2018
I think @WCollins_Golf did this to my golf ball at Pinehurst No. 2 in the North-South Junior. Calmly got up and down, as I recall. https://t.co/Zs8fa9oLlX
— Tim Gavrich (@TimGavrich) February 1, 2018
Something to lighten the day, from @mcsweeneys : https://t.co/tKw00z7Cm0
— Nancy Pearl (@Nancy_Pearl) January 31, 2018
Hockey - First Boys’ 6 vs Avon Old Farms School 2
— Westy Athletics (@WestyAthletics) January 31, 2018