Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Follow-up: Jetman versus Jetteam

Now he's flying with real jets. Granted -- they have their flaps down. Still.

Article about Reading David Foster Wallace's Syllabus

The Extraordinary Syllabus of David Foster Wallace
What his lesson plans teach us about how to live
Katie Rophie

Here are two of his syllabi.

Two good quotes:

"Even in a seminar class it seems a little silly to require participation.  Some students who are cripplingly shy, or who can't always formulate their  best thoughts and questions in the rapid back-and-forth of a group discussion, are nevertheless good and serious students. On the other hand, as Prof --- points out supra, our class can't really function if there isn't student participation—it will become just me giving a half-assed ad-lib lecture for 90 minutes, which (trust me) will be horrible in all kinds of ways."

"If you are used to whipping off papers the night before they're due, running them quickly through the computer's Spellchecker, handing them in full of high-school errors and sentences that make no sense and having the professor accept them 'because the ideas are good' or something, please be informed that I draw no distinction between the quality of one's ideas and the quality of those ideas' verbal expression, and I will not accept sloppy, rough-draftish, or semiliterate college writing. Again, I am absolutely not kidding."

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Doing A Job by Admiral Hyman G. Rickover

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Zapruder HD Stable Pan

The image stabilization highlights the violence of JFK's head jerking back, and to the left.

Quote of the day -- Andy Inhatko

You know how your barbershop has six cutters, and there’s one that always does a spectacularly good job, there are two who are just competent, and the others can only be properly addressed as “barbers” when they’re being named in some sort of civil lawsuit?

-- Andy Inhatko in his review of Apple's new voice interface named Siri.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Quote of the Day -- Jane Austen

We all love to instruct, though we can teach only what is not worth knowing.

from Brian Ford

Feminist Perspective on Penn State Sex Scandal

The mistake Penn State made was, in many ways, a simple category error: they mistook these pubescent boys for women.

-- from The Tenured Radical

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Social Graph is Neither

Social networks exist to sell you crap. The icky feeling you get when your friend starts to talk to you about Amway, or when you spot someone passing out business cards at a birthday party, is the entire driving force behind a site like Facebook.
-- From The Social Graph is Neither

Westminster Newspaper October 28, 1962

Monday, November 7, 2011

Corollary to the previously posted Rules of Thumb

If you’re not paying for something, you have no reason to expect it to be there tomorrow. -- Steven Poole

Glory Road

Glory Road is an excellent movie to watch at the beginning of March Madness. However, it's not so good to watch on TNT starting at midnight, because the geometric increase in the number of commercials per hour catches up to me when I'm most tired. Josh Lucas looks like Kevin Costner, except I think he's a better actor.

Tic Tac Toe xkcd

They're all good, but this one has all the makings of a classic.

Randall Munroe is just so great.

Rule of Thumb for Many Situations

"If you have been in a poker game for a while, and you still don’t know who the patsy is, you’re the patsy."  -- Warren Buffett

"If you're not paying for the product, you are the product." -- Jeff Reifman

Friday, November 4, 2011

People who make me feel like I haven't really accomplished much

George Bernard Shaw (26 July 1856 – 2 November 1950) was an Irish playwright and a co-founder of the London School of Economics.